Flanked by a guard of loyal mercenaries, he is unstoppable – a lion among wolves – and many fall to the might of his halberd, which never ceases in its deadly advance. They fight fiercely, and once more Raneko holds, until Hortuk enters the fray. The band and the villagers rise to meet the challenge. And then, a miscalculation: a betrayal from within leaves an opening, and the cultists break through.
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Giramonte’s devices are at full power, quelling large-scale fires that threaten to overtake the village’s otherwise rustic defenses. Despite the overwhelming numbers, the village is able to hold. The cultists swarm outside the small village of Raneko, but its position on the cliffs overlooking the Great Eye gives it a strategic advantage. And you will know it when it comes,” clicks the Elder. But no image remains as strong in her mind as the man in the lion’s armor his recently scarred face glowing in the flames, and in his eyes: pride.Īs the sun sinks low on the horizon, the endless stretch of ocean reflects a hazy red. The sounds that followed still greet her on sleepless nights. She remembers watching as the town hall was set aflame. She remembers her mother fighting violently, striking the assailant in hopes to draw the focus away from her daughter’s hiding place. She remembers being hidden within the walls of their small home when raiders came door to door. The residents were gathered together and boarded up inside the town hall – all except Eiko. When Eiko was young, a viking raiding party razed the town of Tidomon to the ground. What fuels her ferocity when she loses herself in a fight… and she could feel her moment finally approaching. It’s why the band exists what binds the band together. A lesson aimed more at the ocean than Reios or Eiko. And so we must protect this power, this gift, all of us”, he surmises, his mouth clicking between thoughts. Of a being that fell to a darkness, and the power that surged through the land. As Reios and Eiko sit looking out over the Great Eye, the elder regales them with stories of lands beyond the seas, far to the west. He speaks in riddles, but amongst his grand tales lie hidden gems of wisdom. The elder of the village is a strange old strix.